Hamilton’s Vehicle Servicing experts are here to ensure you get the most from your car or truck

Keeping to your vehicle’s servicing schedule is the best way to maintain and extend the life of components. Ultimate Automotive’s team of expert mechanics offers a wide range of auto servicing and maintenance that will quickly get your car running its best. We service all makes and models and our workmanship is guaranteed. If your car ends up needing additional work like a clutch or brake pad replacement we won’t start until we’ve discussed with you what’s needed.

Anything automotive, Hamilton’s Ultimate Auto Servicing does it all: from oil and filter changes, scheduled servicing, cooling systems, brakes, transmissions, differentials, power steering, air-con re-gas, radiator servicing or even starter motor or alternator services, batteries and electrical work, repair or replace, we do it all.

We can help you select tyres that suit your budget and driving, for a smoother and more economical ride, more performance, and also extend tyre life by rotating and balancing tyres.

Proper wheel alignment is essential for the handling of your car; and also improves fuel economy and extends the life of your tyres. We recommend having your wheels aligned at least once a year, and any time tyres are replaced.

A Warrant of Fitness (aka Warrant, or WOF) is required every six months for vehicles made before January 1, 2000, and every 12 months for most newer vehicles. See our WOF page for more info.

We can tune your vehicle for optimum performance and fuel economy. Whether it’s a clogged air filter, dirty fuel injector or a faulty sensor, we ensure your engine is running its best.

We offer Mobile EFTPOS so we can drop off your completed vehicle and process auto repair payment on the spot.

We can provide free courtesy cars for customer use, or pickup and delivery within Te Rapa and surrounding areas (contact us to see whether we can provide this service to you).

A car inspection can help you purchase with confidence. It can make you aware of any problems with the car before buying it, identify any points that may require attention in future and give you an idea of whether the asking price is reasonable

Contact our car servicing team today to keep your vehicle in tip top shape.

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